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Spotle is an engaging word game that builds on the popular Wordle concept but with a unique twist. Each day, Spotle presents players with a new mystery word, and your goal is to guess it within seven attempts.

Here's how it works: Instead of just focusing on letter placement and accuracy like in Wordle, Spotle introduces a "spot" mechanic. This could involve identifying specific positions or patterns within the word that must be matched or uncovered as you make guesses. The exact nature of the "spots" can vary, adding an extra layer of strategy and challenge to the game.

Each guess provides feedback, helping you refine your strategy and adjust your guesses. This feedback often includes hints about the spots in your guessed word, guiding you toward the correct answer. The goal is to use deductive reasoning and word knowledge to find the correct word within the seven allowed guesses.

Overall, Spotle offers a fresh and engaging take on word games, combining the familiar challenge of guessing with a new mechanic that keeps the game interesting and dynamic.


Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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