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Hangman is a classic word game that's both simple and entertaining. The objective is for one player to guess a hidden word before a predetermined number of incorrect guesses results in the "hanging" of a stick figure. Here's a breakdown of how it works:


  1. Word Selection: One player (the host) thinks of a word or phrase and represents it with blank spaces for each letter. For example, if the word is "apple," the display would be "_ _ _ _ _."

  2. Drawing the Gallows: The host draws a simple gallows with a rope and stick figure. Typically, the stick figure is drawn in stages, with each incorrect guess leading to the addition of a body part (head, torso, arms, legs, etc.).


  1. Guessing Letters: The other player(s) guess letters one at a time. If a guessed letter is in the word, the host fills in the corresponding blanks. If the letter is not in the word, a part of the stick figure is drawn.

  2. Winning and Losing: The guessing player wins by correctly identifying all the letters of the word before the stick figure is fully drawn. Conversely, they lose if the stick figure is completely drawn before the word is guessed.


  • Categories: Sometimes the words or phrases are chosen from specific categories, such as animals, movies, or historical figures, to make the game more interesting.
  • Phrases: The game can also be played with phrases, where spaces between words are indicated.


Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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