4 Letter Words

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4 Letter Words is a classic word game that challenges players to create meaningful words using only four letters. It's a simple yet engaging game that can be played anywhere, from family gatherings to long road trips.

How to Play:

  1. Setup: Players sit in a circle or around a table. The first player selects four letters either randomly or by choice (e.g., drawn from a bag or thought up).

  2. Time Limit: Decide on a time limit for each round (e.g., 1 minute).

  3. Word Creation: Each player, starting with the first, has to come up with as many valid words as they can using only the four letters provided. Words must be real and found in a standard dictionary.

  4. Scoring: After the time limit is up, players take turns sharing the words they've written down. Duplicate words (words repeated by more than one player) are usually disqualified from scoring. Each unique word scores points based on its length (e.g., longer words might score more).

  5. Rotation: The next player then chooses a new set of four letters, and the game continues.


  • Creativity: Players need to think quickly and creatively to form words from the limited set of letters.
  • Vocabulary: Expands vocabulary as players discover new words during the game.
  • Competition: Encourages friendly competition as players strive to find unique and longer words than their opponents.


  • Theme-based: Choose a theme (e.g., animals, food) and players must only create words related to that theme.
  • Team Play: Players form teams and compete against each other, with each team taking turns to come up with words.
  • Scrabble-style: Use a point system similar to Scrabble where each letter has a specific point value and longer words score higher.


  • Educational: Improves spelling, vocabulary, and word recognition skills.
  • Social Interaction: Promotes interaction and communication among players.
  • Portable: Requires minimal materials and can be played anywhere, making it ideal for travel or downtime.


 Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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